Other Ways Children’s Behavior Can Affect a Marriage.

Yesterday we looked at some ways children’s behavior can affect and undermine a marriage. Here is another way. Some children, by their anti social behavior, affect friendships and marriages. Take this example, of a couple I know who invited another couple and their child over for dinner one evening. After dinner, the child who may have been hyperactive or maybe had a problem like ADHD started to swing on a tall piece of furniture which threatened to topple over. If it did it could have caused serious injury to the child and also have caused damage to the furniture and … Continue reading

Relief Society: Visiting Teaching Less Active Sisters

Visiting teaching is one of the most important functions of Relief Society. It allows friendships to be built, but it is also a system for the president to be sure that individual needs are being met. It fosters close ties and makes it easy for people to reach out and offer service to those around them. If you are visiting teaching a less active member you may need to treat the visits differently. First it is important to follow the sister’s lead. She may not be comfortable with a gospel message, but be open to visits on a regular basis. … Continue reading

What Kind of Relationship do You Want to Have with Your Kids in the Long Run?

We can get so caught up in the minutia of every day—those details of feeding, cleaning, discipline and communicating—that we forget to keep at least one eye on the long term. The choices we make today, and the way we parent and interact with our children right now will have a lasting influence on the type of relationship we have with them in the long term. While we really need to parent our children as they are today, it can be helpful to put some thought into what we would like our relationship with our child to look like 5, … Continue reading

Can Your Children Express How They Feel?

Personal expression is one of the cornerstones of good communication. In order for our children to develop strong self-esteem, be able to advocate for themselves ,and have healthy relationships with other people, they need to learn that expressing how they feel is allowed and encouraged. As parents, we are challenged with not only helping our children develop good communication skills, but also creating an environment where our children can say and express how they feel–NO MATTER WHAT… Most of us grew up in families where certain behaviors were tolerated and welcome and others were not. Teaching our kids to feel, … Continue reading

Family Boundaries

The next six assets that will be written about are in what is considered the “Boundaries and Expectations” category of assets. According to the Search Institute, this grouping of assets helps children to “Know what is expected of them-and what’s not-helps children create, learn, and grow. Instead of holding children back, limits keep them safe and secure. When they know who to count on and how to behave, children can concentrate on developing and learning new skills” Healthy family boundaries include when parents understand children’s needs, likes & dislikes. Parents model appropriate behavior and set age-appropriate limits and consequences. This … Continue reading

Teaching Children About Child Molesters

With child abuse numbers so high it is important that parents educate their children. Teaching children to be wary of strangers is not enough, since about 90% of abuse cases happen with an adult that the child knows and respects. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children stresses that parents need to teach their children using “clear, calm, reasonable messages about situations and actions to look for.” What We Need To Teach Our Children Child Help USA, an organization that offers support to children who have been abused or neglected, provides a list of prevention tips for parents to … Continue reading

Teen Cliques

An old high school friend recently added me to a Facebook group, in which a reunion is being planned. It has been 25 years since we graduated. So it’s been interesting to look at some of the old faces and read up on how everyone is doing. It is hard to imagine some that have gotten married and had children. I guess it’s because I still see them as they were in their cliques. You know the labels that teens put on each other. Back in my day it was the jocks, preppies, nerds, outcasts and the popular kids. I … Continue reading

Manners, Manners!

I’m seeing a trend, and it concerns me. It seems that children of today are ruder than they have been in generations past. Back in the days when everything was black and white, people treated each other with respect. My parents were raised to speak politely to their elders, to say “ma’am” and “sir,” to say “please” and “thank you.” I was raised this way as well, and I find myself fighting a battle to instill basic courtesy in my children. All around them are examples of rudeness and impatience. When we go to the store, we see children demanding … Continue reading

Touch Sensitivity

Sensitive skin is a topic near and dear to my heart — when I was little, I would break out in hives every time my mom changed laundry detergents! My skin is very sensitive when it comes to cleansers and scents. But that’s not the only kind of sensitive skin out there. Touch sensitivity is a kind of malfunction in the tactile sensory system. Sensations that might be meaningless background noise (like the feel of the seams in your shirt) might be uncomfortable or even painful to a person with touch sensitivity (also known as tactile defensiveness). A person with … Continue reading

You are Not Their Best Friend

Here is where things can get confusing—we want to have good, bonded, respectful relationships with our children, we want them to trust us and tell us what is going on in their lives, we may even want to be friendly with them when they are adults—BUT while we are the responsible parenting raising a minor child, we still need to have the authority and we can get into trouble if we try first and foremost to be their buddy or their best friend… Whenever I hear a parent says something like “My child and I are best friends” or “My … Continue reading