Easy Bathroom Organizing

Make a fresh start in your bathroom by tossing away the old (and disgusting) and organizing the new. You don’t have to completely overhaul your bathroom, but taking a few minutes to go through a few things will really make a difference. An organized bathroom is easier to clean and looks nice, too. Start with the hair accessories. Get rid of anything that is not working, such as stretched out elastics or broken clips. Why were we saving those anyway? If you are like me, you might even have a few scrunchies from the 80 or 90s laying around. Okay, … Continue reading

Indoor Air Pollution

I try to be really green with the things I use in my home, like cleaners and air fresheners. The main reason for this is Hailey’s asthma, I try not to subject her to additional chemicals and pollutants. Even though I never use chemicals in my home, the air in your home can be up to 100 times more polluted than the air outside, that’s a little scary considering home is where you spend most of your time. I thought I was doing all the right things, no one smokes in my home, I use vinegar and baking soda to … Continue reading

Must Breathe …

There are certain places in your home that need proper air ventilation. Let’s take a look at some of them. 1. Your shower curtain goes through a lot in a day. It is pelted with water and then pushed back, and the water that hasn’t drained off is trapped between those folds. The water contains bacteria, and this leads to mold. It’s best to pull the curtain closed after you step out and allow the air to circulate freely around both sides to dry that water. Open a window if you can to facilitate the process. If you’re the kind … Continue reading

Deep-Clean Your Bathroom

Don’t wait for spring to deep-clean your bathrooms. During the winter months, when homes are locked up tight to keep the cold air out, mold and mildew can wreck havoc on your tile, showers, counters and faucets. If your bathroom has a musty smell, then you likely have a mold problem and need to address it right away. Most people wait for telltale black spots before they worry that they have a mold problem. However, mold comes in a variety of colors, including brown and pink. Pink mold is prevalent in grout, showers and even in the toilet if you … Continue reading

A Thomas Jefferson Education

Recently, a method of education was brought to my attention which grabbed my interest. The method is a purposeful approach to education with the goal of creating independent and creative minds. That method is the Thomas Jefferson Education. When I embarked on homeschooling, my goal was to educate my children in an environment that fostered creativity, independence and critical thought. Through the years, I have adopted many different methods to fit different learning styles or phases of my children’s lives. While there is merit in that approach, I have recently discovered a path that transcends the ages and stages of … Continue reading

Why the Mold in Your Home Must Go!

For years now we’ve been told that mold in our homes is bad for us. It seems to creep into our homes before we know it. Damp basements and bathrooms are its favorite hiding spots and we need to seek professional help to get rid of it. If you have mold lurking in your home, there are more reasons to get rid of it than aesthetic value… your kids. Numerous studies, including one from the Cincinnati Childhood Allergy and Air Pollution Study found that 3-year-old children who had visible mold in their homes during infancy were 7 times more likely … Continue reading

How Safe is Your City?

I am a sucker for lists. For some reason I can’t resist scanning “Best of” or “Worst of” lists, be it a column itemizing the “World’s Best Ice Cream” or the “Worst Movies of 2009.” So when Men’s Health magazine recently published its list on the “100 Safest American Cities for Kids,” I was drawn to it like mold to moisture. Love the list… and not just because my family lives near the safest city in the United States (according the magazine). Love it because my family spends a ton of time in the top TWO safest cities in the … Continue reading

Learning through Example

Parents are the biggest influence on a child’s life. A parent’s job is to mold and shape a child to function productively in society. While, family values vary from family to family, most want at the core the same things for their children. I have yet to meet a well intentioned parent who did not want a happy, compassionate, well-rounded, and wise child. We may want a doctor or a lawyer in the family but above all we want healthy and happy children. We also want children who show proper discernment and made good decisions in reference to time management. … Continue reading

Voluntary Recall Announced for Over the Counter Medications

McNeil Consumer Healthcare — makers of Tylenol and many other familiar over the counter medications — announced a voluntary recall of several products on January 15th. The recall affects certain Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, Rolaids, Simply Sleep, and St. Joseph’s products available for purchase in North, South, and Central America, the United Arab Emirates, and Fiji. Why the voluntary recall? Some consumers reported a strange moldy, musty, or mildewy odor associated with certain products. A small number of consumers reported nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, or vomiting after using a product with the unusual smell. The symptoms were temporary and not life … Continue reading

Driving the Family Germ-mobile

“If you’re a soccer mom, you’re essentially driving a germ-mobile.” Or so claims a microbiologist from the University of Arizona who conducted a study on bacteria levels in people’s vehicles. The conclusion: Most of us are driving around in motorized toilets. Scratch that. Actually, what this germ expert concluded was that in most cases the toilets in our homes are cleaner than the interior of our vehicles. Food for thought the next time you consider loading up the kids for a ride to grandma’s house. Before you start bleaching your dashboard take a look at the details of the study: … Continue reading