Special Needs Blog Week in Review – Week of February 12 – 18, 2012

The Special Needs Blog Week in Review is a great way to quickly catch up on everything that appeared in the Special Needs Blog in the past week. It is a good way to make sure that you haven’t missed anything. You can scan through this list to search for blogs about whatever particular special needs your child happens to have. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup for the week went up on February 13, 2012. I would like to point out an episode done by The Coffee Klatch that is titled “NY Times Op Ed Gone Wrong – Ritalin Gone … Continue reading

Why “Ritalin Gone Wrong” is Controversial

At the end of January, the New York Times ran an opinion piece called “Ritalin Gone Wrong”. The title has since been changed to something else. In it, a professor emeritus of psychology states that the reason why a child has ADHD is because of bad parenting. Obviously, this claim has led to outrage. I first heard about this article when I noticed that The Coffee Klatch podcast had devoted an episode to a discussion about “Ritalin Gone Wrong”. That article was written by L. Alan Sroufe, who is an emeritus of psychology at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of … Continue reading

Doubling Dosage to Stay in School

All across the United States, public schools are trying to figure out what the best ways are to include students who have special needs into mainstream classrooms. A mother in Canada says her child’s school pressured her to double his dosage of Ritalin in order to remain enrolled in school. Would you increase your child’s medication if his school demanded it? Amanda Edgett is a mother who lives in Canada. The rules and laws regarding special education in Canada might, or might not, match the ones in the United States. I’m not sure that a public school in America would … Continue reading