Orientation and Mobility for the Visually Impaired Individual

As a parent of a visually impaired child there are many challenges to meet, one of them being just the simple act of walking freely from one place to the other unassisted. There is therapy available called Orientation and Mobility therapy (O & M). O & M is very important for children and adults with visual impairments. This is what helps them to be able to walk independently in their environment, may it be a common or new environment. If a person with visual impairments is not comfortable in their surroundings it can cause unneeded stress as well as confusion … Continue reading

Visual Dysfunction: More than Meets the Eye

I know what you’re thinking: My child can see perfectly. I can skip this blog. But there’s more to vision than just seeing. Children with sensory integration dysfunction often have problems processing visual information, even though they can “see.” (If you have concerns about your child’s basic ability to see properly, click here.) I often notice that my son Kyle will put objects close to his eyes when he’s playing or thinking. Kyle has normal vision but I believe he is under-sensitive to visual stimuli. That means he craves visual input, and so he watches video clips repeatedly, creates movement … Continue reading