The Rhythm Is Gonna Get You…

Has your child got rhythm? Sounds like a strange question. But have you ever contemplated how your child’s sense of rhythm might be affecting every aspect of his life? Ka-thump, ka-thump… Each of us has an internal mechanism in our brain that enables us to use rhythm and timing for nearly all the things we do. When we play sports, type on a keyboard, dance, play an instrument, ride a bike, and engage in conversation, we are using timing. The inner-meter in our brain tells us when to start something and when to stop. We know how to do everything … Continue reading

What Causes Clumsiness?

Lately, I feel like I’m a lot clumsier than usual. Case in point: two nights in a row, I’ve spilled my lemonade — once on the couch, once in the office. Yesterday, I really raised the clumsiness bar by spilling a bowl of handmade glass ornaments and then stepping on them. Really graceful! (Thankfully, only the ornaments were hurt in that little adventure.) It got me wondering: what causes clumsiness? To answer that, it doesn’t hurt to look at the opposite side: coordination. Driving this wonderful machine called the body takes motor skills and sensory input (to put it REALLY … Continue reading

Santa’s Developmental Toy List

The holidays are upon us, and you might be wondering about how to choose toys that are developmentally appropriate for your child. The stores are filled with all kinds of gizmos and gadgets and electronic stuff. Sometimes the simpler toys are better for kids who are facing challenges. Deciding which toys are the most beneficial and which ones can help your child master important skills can be difficult. The following list does not use name brands, but suggests certain kinds of toys that would be developmentally appropriate for children to reach significant milestones. If your child is delayed and functioning … Continue reading