Interview with Danyelle Ferguson – Resources for Learning about Autism

Today, we’re continuing our conversation with Danyelle Ferguson, author of (dis)Abilities and the Gospel, a great resource book for parents and teachers of children with cognitive disabilities. As we learned last time, Danyelle’s son was diagnosed with autism when he was two. Danyelle, as you were learning about autism, what were some of the resources that were the most helpful to you – books, support groups, studies, etc? During the first four to six months after our son was diagnosed, I couldn’t handle reading anything about autism. I was so overwhelmed, wondering what kind of future my son would have. … Continue reading

The Best Places For People With Autism to Live

A survey conducted by Autism Speaks points out the best, and the worst, places for people who have autism to live in. This is the first group ever to rank cities based on how well, or how poorly, they provide services that meet the needs of adults and children who have autism. Is your city on this list? The survey included responses that came from more than 800 people who were affected by autism. The people lived in 48 states, and the District of Columbia. The survey asked about how satisfied families were with how well the city they lived … Continue reading