The Astonishing Musical Genius of Derek Paraviccini

“Music is an inherent part of the universe.” The human mind is mysterious indeed. For example, how is it possible that a 26-year old man who can’t count to ten and doesn’t know his own birthday—-a man who is blind, severely learning impaired, and autistic—-can also be a musical genius who plays thousands of complicated piano pieces with perfect skill and accuracy? Derek Paraviccini’s talents will truly astonish you. He was born three months early, a twin whose sister was unable to survive their early delivery. Derek nearly died three times after his birth but was resuscitated and kept alive. … Continue reading

“I Want to Be a Singer When I Grow Up.”

HELLO READERS! I’m back blogging after an unexpected hiatus. I must say, I needed the break. However, I feel a bit like somebody getting back on the exercise bike after a long self-indulgent vacation–somewhat saddle sore. I truly appreciate those of you who have rifled through my archives in my absence. Tonight during dinner, Kyle said, “I want to be a singer when I grow up.” I love that statement, and I’ve been pondering it for a while. It demonstrates that Kyle is thinking about the future, at least in a limited way, which is hard for autistic children. I … Continue reading