Facing Anger after Diagnosis

Of all of the emotions we go through after the diagnosis of our child, anger is perhaps the worst one. We can sometimes hold on to anger for too long and it begins to eat away at us, and the person we were before diagnosis. We can hold a grudge against a disease. We can scream and place blame on other people. These reactions get us nowhere. In the face of chronic illness, there isn’t anyone to blame. There isn’t anyone to yell at or hold a grudge against. Trying to do so won’t cure the disease, but will make … Continue reading

Germs, Germs, Everywhere Germs

Winter is officially upon us. I have always dreaded the snow and the ice. The freezing winds aren’t my favorite either. But since Maggie’s diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, my distaste for winter has grown into a fear – of all the germs and illness it usually brings. Maggie has had her flu and pneumonia shots, but there is still that darn cold virus that no one seems to be able to cure. In a few days, we will be seeing Maggie’s four cousins for Thanksgiving. Three of them are in school and so obviously, they get the occasional cold. I’m … Continue reading

5 Tips for Healthy Kids this Winter

It seems impossible, yet many families manage it – staying germ free for an entire winter. With all the sneezes that move through a school building, it’s difficult to keep your children from getting the occasional runny nose, but with the careful consideration that many families of children with special needs take, your children too, can stay healthy this year. My daughter has cystic fibrosis, and because of this, she must be kept away from anyone who has even a cold. This is a tough job, especially around the holidays and in our rigid New England climate. So far, at … Continue reading