Study Says Children Might Outgrow Egg Allergy

More than one study suggests that there is the potential for some children who are allergic to eggs to outgrow that allergy. Kids who are severely allergic to eggs probably will not outgrow it, but those with less serious egg allergies might. The studies involved carefully introducing eggs into the diet of kids who were allergic to them. Sometimes, children can outgrow some allergies. This is more likely to happen with kids who have slight allergy symptoms to a particular allergen, and not likely to happen with children who have very severe allergies. A couple of studies suggest that it … Continue reading

Study Says Flu Shot is Safe for People With Egg Allergies

Flu season is upon us. Are you going to get a flu shot this year? There has been some concern in the past that adults and children who are allergic to eggs will have problems if they get a flu shot because it contains eggs. A Canadian study found that flu shots are safe for people with egg allergies. The flu vaccine is designed to prevent people from catching influenza, (commonly called “the flu”). There have been concerns about giving flu shots to adults or children who have an allergy to eggs because the flu vaccine is grown in chicken … Continue reading