A Few More Studies About the Causes of Autism

It seems to me that there is a constant stream of news articles regarding studies that have found the cause of autism. I’ve heard so many different ideas about the cause of autism that I am having trouble figuring out which one is correct. This week, there are two more studies that may, or may not, have found the cause of autism. Right now, it seems that the only thing that is known for certain is that immunizations do not cause autism. There have been a plethora of other studies that pin the cause of autism on a wide variety … Continue reading

There May Be New Guidelines For Autism in 2013

In May of 2013, the American Psychiatric Association is intending to release a revised set of guidelines that will be used to diagnose a person as having an autism spectrum disorder. There are some good reasons to create stricter standards. There are also some reasons why this is not a good idea. Right now, there is still a lot to learn about autism, autism spectrum disorders, and Asperger’s syndrome. There seem to be new theories popping up all the time about what could potentially be the cause of autism, and there is much debate about whether or not it needs … Continue reading

Filmmaker Explores Fathers Coping With Child’s Autism

Parents often have a difficult time accepting that their child has a special need. This can be especially hard for fathers, who might not feel comfortable expressing their emotions about it with other people. A filmmaker named Charles Jones has created a documentary about his experience as a father of a child who has autism. When a child is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, it tends to bring out strong emotions in that child’s parents. A parent might feel a certain amount of relief in finally hearing the term that describes why their child behaves the way that he … Continue reading

Study Says Autism Starts in the Womb

A new study finds that children who have autism have significantly more brain cells than do children of typical development. This suggests that autism is caused by something that happens before a baby is born. This means that autism is not triggered by an event or substance after a child is born. What causes autism? There have been plenty of theories that attempt to answer this question. There have been people blaming the cause of autism on the MMR vaccine, (which simply isn’t true). Some studies have tried to link autism with everything from the occupation of the parents to … Continue reading