Study About Autism and ER Visits Reveals Much

A recent study found that children who have an autism spectrum disorder are nine times more likely to visit an emergency room for a psychiatric reason than are children who do not have autism. This result is being interpreted to mean that there isn’t sufficient outpatient mental health care for families that need it. A study was recently published in the journal Pediatric Emergency Care. Researchers analyzed data from over 3.9 million emergency room visits in the United States. Specifically, they focused on ER visits by children who were between 3 and 17 years old. The researchers used the 2008 … Continue reading

Special Moms of Special Kids

Mother’s Day is a good time to do a shout-out to all the moms of children who have special needs. Parenting can be difficult, and it can also be rewarding. It has been said that parents of kids who have special needs have a more extreme version of parenting. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! Let’s face it: moms do a lot! This is not to say that dads don’t contribute, because they do. Often, though it is the mothers who take on the biggest part of parenting. A study found that parents of children who have autism face … Continue reading

Study Confirms Financial Impact of Autism

A brand new study confirms the findings of a preliminary study that was released in 2011. The new study shows that the income of a family that includes a child who has autism is significantly less than the income of families who don’t. This is due to a number of factors. In 2011, there was a preliminary study that used data that came from a survey done by the United States government’s Medical Expenditures Panel. Researchers looked at information about families that included children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), about families who had children with other types of chronic health … Continue reading

Interview with Danyelle Ferguson – A Mother’s Advocacy

Today we conclude our three-part interview series with Danyelle Ferguson, author of (dis)Abilities and the Gospel, a fantastic resource book for parents and teachers of children with a variety of cognitive disabilities. Danyelle, we’ve spoken about your son’s initial diagnosis of autism, and we’ve also talked about resources that helped you understand the condition and learn how to find the most joy in your mothering. What would you like to tell mothers who have recently learned that their child had autism or another form of cognitive disability? Every mother needs to know that she is her child’s best advocate. Attend … Continue reading

Study Reveals Financial Impact of Autism on Families

A preliminary study done by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania finds that there is an economic hardship faced by families that have a child who has an autism spectrum disorder. This may not come as a surprise. It turns out, however, that the reasons why this is so may not be what you would suspect. The study is considered preliminary because it was recently presented in a medical meeting. The findings have not yet gone through a peer review, and have yet to be published in a medical journal. This does not necessarily mean that the study is flawed, … Continue reading