Create a Driving Contract for Your Teen with Type 1 Diabetes

“Mom, can I drive?” It’s one of those questions that gives me a momentary shudder. Maybe because I know my sixteen-year-old son doesn’t have a whole lot of driving experience, and I envision us driving off a cliff. Or maybe it’s because I’m just not emotionally ready for this particular rite of passage in my oldest child’s life. Either way, I’ve learned several techniques for disguising my white-knuckling and shallow breathing. We nervous mothers must appear calm and confident. “Mom, would you relax?” Yeah, right. Teens with juvenile diabetes must be especially cautious as drivers, because symptoms of hypoglycemia, which … Continue reading

Striving for Independence: Kids and Juvenile Diabetes

After a long six-hour drive, I walked past the familiar fountain at the Children’s Hospital of San Diego. Was I really back at this place? Was history truly repeating itself? I checked in at the front desk, and rode the elevator to the second floor. In room 219 was my precious Riley. A wide smile spread across his face as I opened the door. “Hi R.J.!” I said. “If you wanted me to come for a visit, all you had to do was call. This is a bit over the top.” He giggled. Education is the Foundation for Treatment Spread … Continue reading