Preview of the Terrible Twos?

Lily will be 17 months old on May 2. Our friends always comment on how sweet and quiet she is, and, truthfully, she is a very sweet little girl who rarely causes trouble. However, yesterday she really decided to flex her toddler muscles. The morning started out OK. She ate oatmeal with butter and some blueberries. We’ve found this is the best method of hiding her laxative. Simply cut the pill into tiny pieces and embed them in the berries. From that point forward, however, she was a little devil. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I take her to the library … Continue reading

Shopping With a Toddler

Have you ever lost sight of your toddler when you’re out and about? I’ve come across small children separated from their parents while shopping. When I do, I talk to the child to calm him down and then find the closest employee to facilitate the reunion. I figure an employee is in a better position to help. My toddler is at the age where she wants to walk everywhere. She doesn’t want to sit in the seat of the cart. It is much simpler and faster for me to plunk her in the seat and strap her in. She, on … Continue reading