How to Set Up a Homework Space

There will be many changes for your child to adjust to once the new school year is underway. The one thing that you can pretty much count on is that your child will end up with homework to do. This means you need to set up a good homework space for him or her to work in. Children who have special needs tend to thrive when they know that there is a routine to follow. They can predict what will happen next, and this can make transitioning from one activity to another a little bit easier. This means that it … Continue reading

Parenting Children Who Have ADHD is Stressful

A study reveals that parents of children who have ADHD feel stressed when their child is not behaving appropriately, or is behaving badly. This roller coaster of stress is more intense than the stress that parents of neurotypical children experience in response to occasional bad behavior. This finding reveals a lot about what might help families of kids with ADHD to cope. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is something that affects both children and adults. One doesn’t necessarily “grow out of” having ADHD. It is possible, though, that a child will learn how to manage the symptoms of ADHD … Continue reading

Positive Encouragement Can Help Kids With ADHD

Parents of children who have ADHD understand that there are no simple, quick, answers about how to help their child. Treatment for ADHD can include medication and behavior modification, and those things take time before they can become effective. What about trying some positive feedback? At least one researcher thinks it could help. Think for a moment about something you were working on that was difficult for you. It should be something that you didn’t find particularly fun, and that took a long time before you saw any results. For many people, this could describe a diet. Most people do … Continue reading