Are You A Snowplow Parent?

There are many different kinds of parenting styles to choose from. Some of them are very beneficial both to the children and the parents. Others are disadvantageous to not only the children, but also to their parents. Among the worst is the “snowplow parent”. Actual snow is not required for a parent to choose this parenting style. Emma Waverman, writing for Today’s Parent defined a snowplow parent as “a person who constantly forces obstacles out of their kids’ paths. They have their eye on the future success of their child, and anyone or anything that stands in their way has … Continue reading

Do You Employ High-Tech Sitters?

What do you use to keep your children occupied while waiting for your food at a restaurant, driving to grandma’s house or zipping through the aisles at the grocery store? I doubt the answer is dancing, unless you’re doing it on a video that you posted to YouTube and can be viewed on your kid’s favorite electronic device. Don’t worry; you aren’t alone. According to a recent survey, nearly 60% of parents admit to using a tech toy to entertain their children, and experts predict that number will likely rise in the next decade. In other words, iPads, handheld video … Continue reading

A Warning for Parents with Pet-Loving Kids

That’s my daughter with her pet snake. Okay, that slithery creature never actually made it home with us.  Thank goodness!  However, other slimy critters have sauntered, swam and slipped into our lives due in large part to my child’s obsession with being a pet owner. We’ve had Lola, Pongo, Charlie and Charlie II. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of exotic animals, but when you are a parent of a pet-loving kid, you learn to master the fine art of sacrifice. You also learn the importance of doing research on the type of varmint your child so desperately wants to … Continue reading

When You Can’t Fix It

When things go terribly wrong, young children typically take solace in their parents’ consolations.  They want to know that everything will be okay and that their setback, pain or discomfort is temporary.  However, as kids age the tide can change.  Sometimes when bad comes knocking tweens and teens don’t want to hear that all will be well, that they should “get over it,” or that so-and-so has it much worse.  Rather, they want you to agree their situation sucks and allow them to macerate in their misery for a while. Moms especially are prone to wanting to fix all the … Continue reading

Should You Pay for Chores?

Parenting experts disagree vehemently on the issue of whether or not children should be paid for chores. Each side strongly believes that they are right, quoting studies and analysis that support their position. With such a polarized debate on the issue, what should parents think? How can they determine whether or not to pay their children for chores or to offer an allowance outright that requires no work conditions on the child’s part? Let us take a look at both sides of the issue. On the one hand, paying a child for chores rather than giving a free and clear … Continue reading

Embrace Your Mistakes + Snow Globe Sugar Cookie Recipe

Many parents feel uncomfortable appearing less than perfect around their children.  Ironically, childhood experts maintain that moms and dads, who unabashedly show their children that making mistakes is part of life, give their kids a priceless gift and a leg up in the real world. Well, Hallelujah!  I’ve finally done something right in the eyes of so-called parenting experts. My kid sees me mess up all the time.  Okay, maybe not all.the.time.  Still, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes… and then some.  However, in making my litany of blunders, I’ve learned another important lesson.  By embracing your imperfections you … Continue reading

The Reason Your Kid is Cranky

Forget about sex or sleep; for many parents it’s more like sleep or sanity. If your kid is not getting enough sleep, your sanity suffers. According to new research, a good night’s sleep is essential to keeping children on track. That may be the understatement of the year. For decades researchers having been touting studies that show well-rested children do better on standardized tests, get better grades and are better equipped to rationalize and control impulses. However, a new study, set to be published in next month’s issue of Pediatrics, takes the theory a step further by detailing what happened … Continue reading

Are You Spending More to Save?

I am THAT mom. The one that’ll drive an extra five miles out of her way to save five bucks on her daughter’s Halloween costume, even though gas is just shy of $4 per gallon. Though, if I drive an extra 10 miles I can save six cents per gallon. I am THAT mom. The one that’ll spend five hours trying to calculate how much she really saved by utilizing the $5 off costume coupon. Even though the trip included sitting in a gnarly traffic jam which robbed her of 20 minutes of precious time. Make that priceless time. Walking … Continue reading

Does Your Child Snore?

It may be funny when Big Bird does it, but if your child snores all night, health experts say you should be concerned rather than amused. According to a new study, children who are chronic snorers are more likely to have behavioral problems such as aggression and hyperactivity. Researchers studied nearly 250 children who snored at both age 2 and age 3. Of those kids, 35 percent showed signs of behavioral problems, while only 10 percent of non-snorers exhibited signs of behavioral issues. The study also found that 12 percent of kids who snored for one year showed such signs. … Continue reading

Special Needs Blog Week in Review – June 3-9, 2012

Each week, the Special Needs Blog Week in Review gives you a quick summary of all of the blogs that appeared here in the past week. This gives you an easy way to find the blogs that you missed, or that you didn’t have time to read when they first went up. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on June 4, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out an episode of The Coffee Klatch. The episode is called “Best of The Coffee Klatch – Dr. Russell Barkley – ADHD” This episode features information from Russell A. Barkley, PhD., … Continue reading