Therapy Animals Can Help Kids Who Are Selective Mutes to Speak

Selective Mutism is something that a lot of people don’t really understand. We hear a lot about Autism spectrum disorders, and ADHD, but there isn’t a much news to be found that talks about children who are selective mutes. It turns out that therapy animals can help children who are selective mutes to find their voices. Although I am not a parent myself, I am familiar with what children who are selective mutes are like. My sister was a selective mute until she was around nine years old. I remember reading somewhere that many kids who are selective mutes decide … Continue reading

Not Talking To You – Selective Mutism

One of my siblings was a selective mute as a child. This sibling could speak, and was developmentally appropriate in all ways, except when it came to speaking to certain people. Most of our relatives, and nearly all of my sibling’s teachers, did not have any idea why she wouldn’t talk to them. Not much is understood by the general public about what a selective mute is, or what to do if your child becomes one. What is selective mutism? It used to be called elective mutism. Basically, this is the term used for a child who speaks normally when … Continue reading