Parents Need to Make Time to Release Stress

Often, the things that are the most difficult to do end up being the most rewarding. Parenting fits this description. Children are a blessing, but they can also the biggest source of a parent’s stress. Parents of kids who have special needs experience high amounts of stress. It is very important for parents to make time to release that stress in a healthy, appropriate, way. Parents want to make sure that their children have everything they need. Parents of kids who have special needs frequently end up focusing so much of their attention on their child that they forget to … Continue reading

Stress and Your Immune System

I’ve been stressed lately. Really stressed. It’s a combination of a lot of things coming to a head all at once, and the end result is that I’m cranky and I’m having trouble sleeping. Then I noticed another weird thing. My hands are sporting quite a few nicks and scratches from my part time job at the cats-only boarding facility. And those little wounds are taking a long time to heal — much longer than normal. That got me wondering how stress affects the immune system. In the short term, stress can actually boost your immune system. That “fight or … Continue reading

A Special Needs Parenting Energy Crisis?

What is the greatest gift that you can personally give your child? Take a moment and think about your answer. It it LOVE? Love is a wonderful thing, but nope. I don’t think so. Love is not enough. We’ve all heard of parents who probably loved their kids very much, but lost them due to neglect or abuse. I don’t think we can always say that abusive parents don’t love their children. Even neglectful parents may love their kids. But they don’t have the tools, knowledge, or mental health to be good parents. So I ask again, what is the … Continue reading

Getting Enough Sleep Should Be a Priority

Meeting the needs of children with medical problems or behavioral disorders can be exhausting. A child who must be checked and re-checked throughout the night, or one with sleep disturbances or night terrors can leave parents frustrated and overwhelmed. And if we’re not careful, we can become accustomed to getting very little rest and almost forget what a real night of recuperative sleep feels like. When we’re sleep-deprived, we’re more likely to feel like we’re incapable of handling everything we have to accomplish in a day. Problems seem so much bigger. We’re irritable without knowing exactly why. Sometimes sleep-deprivation makes … Continue reading

Ten Ways Pet Therapy Is Helpful

Pet therapy helps people in so many different ways. Exercise long-term recall skills. Asking a person about the pets they have owned can trigger all kinds of happy memories. Talking about pets you’ve known helps develop your cognitive skills. Exercise short-term memory. Asking a person to describe a pet who just visited is a good workout for the short-term memory. A well-trained dog could take a series of commands from a patient — the pup will be happy with the attention and the patient will get a chance to bond with the dog. Develop speech and communication skills. Many people … Continue reading

Understanding Lupus

Lupus got its name from the Latin word “wolf” because some people with lupus will develop a butterfly shaped rash across their nose and cheeks- it was thought that this rash gave them a wolf-like appearance! Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects connective tissues (such as joints and muscles) in your body. The immune system is supposed to distinguish normal body cells from those of invaders: in auto-immune diseases the body thinks normal cells ARE the invaders. This means that the normal immunity and defense systems have gone into over-drive and the body attacks its own cells causing tissue … Continue reading

“I Feel Like I’m Falling Apart.” 8 Ways to Cope with Overwhelming Stress

Anyone who has parented a special needs child understands it’s an all-consuming responsibility. As parents (and especially mothers) we have a tendency to pour our whole heart and soul into the special care of our son or daughter. Our instinct to nurture takes over, and we expect to be the “rescuer” who will make everything all better. We run ourselves ragged. We worry; we agonize. We don’t eat right and get enough sleep. And this eventually causes stress to overwhelm our bodies. Stress Took Over My Life In a previous blog I wrote about my own personal battle with stress … Continue reading

Empty Bucket Syndrome: Six Ways to Get Replenished

My mother used to say, “You can’t give from an empty bucket.” I’m not exactly sure that’s true. I understand the principle behind the statement, but I belive that parents have the ability to somehow keep giving even after their “bucket” is woefully dry. It’s amazing how parents–and mothers especially–seem to always find the strength to keep going and giving, putting themselves last. Of course, you’re not going to be able to meet your child’s special needs if you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally bankrupt. So if you’re operating with “empty bucket syndrome,” I hope you’ll reevaluate. It’s time to start … Continue reading

Facing Divorce, with a Special Needs Child

There is no question that having a child with a disability is a tremendous source of stress for any couple. What was once a carefree romantic relationship turns into a painful, confusing, emotional rollercoaster, at least for a time. Sometimes one partner decides he or she wants off the ride. And this leaves a tremendous burden on the spouse left behind. When Reality Hit Me…Hard I found myself in this situation. I’ll never forget sitting across from my then-husband as he announced, “It’s time for you to move on with your life.” I looked down at my seven-month pregnant belly, … Continue reading

My Battle with Stress While Mothering Special Kids

Writing this blog has caused me to reflect on my early experiences with mothering and the many fears I had. I recall the devastation I felt when one child was diagnosed with Autism, and intense anger when my older son was then diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. I thought the entire world was conspiring against me. Why were my children given these problems? My third boy was born with a cataract in his eye which accompanied other medical concerns. Why was this happening to me? How was I going to deal with all of it? In the midst of all this, … Continue reading