Touch Sensitivity

Sensitive skin is a topic near and dear to my heart — when I was little, I would break out in hives every time my mom changed laundry detergents! My skin is very sensitive when it comes to cleansers and scents. But that’s not the only kind of sensitive skin out there. Touch sensitivity is a kind of malfunction in the tactile sensory system. Sensations that might be meaningless background noise (like the feel of the seams in your shirt) might be uncomfortable or even painful to a person with touch sensitivity (also known as tactile defensiveness). A person with … Continue reading

MEN TORch the Chance of Boys Becoming Non-Violent Men

Come on men. Where are you? Our boys are in trouble. There are not enough male mentors signing up to mentor our collective sons. I have been involved in training mentors for young people since 2000. Overwhelmingly the mentor trainees are women. While this is great for our girls, what about our boys? Leading boys is something that women can do, but men leading boys may be far more powerful. Boys are socialized to like and do different things. They are unique. Boys have different physiology, different skills, and often, different ways of thinking. These differences need to be celebrated … Continue reading