For Parents of Diabetic Kids: What is Hypoglycemic Unawareness?

My son Garrett had a frightening experience in a class at school one day. Suddenly he was having difficulty writing. He had a hard time remembering how to spell simple words, and started to feel strange. Dizzily, he walked to the front of the classroom and approached the teacher. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t remember how. He stood in front of the teacher trying to say something, anything, but the words wouldn’t come. Finally a look of understanding crossed the teacher’s face. “You’re a diabetic, aren’t you?” she asked, and quickly led him to the cafeteria, where … Continue reading

Diabetes Vocabulary

Having diabetes can mean learning a whole new set of vocabulary. If you or someone you love has diabetes, you’ll be learning the names of drugs, different tests, complications, and more. Here are some words and phrases you might run into: Blood urea nitrogen: a waste chemical excreted by the kidneys. Above-normal levels can indicate kidney damage. Diabetic nephropathy: kidney damage associated with diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy: nerve damage associated with diabetes. Fructose: a simple sugar that occurs naturally in honey and fruit. Glucagon: a hormone that can be injected to raise the blood sugar level of a person with hypoglycemia … Continue reading

Create a Driving Contract for Your Teen with Type 1 Diabetes

“Mom, can I drive?” It’s one of those questions that gives me a momentary shudder. Maybe because I know my sixteen-year-old son doesn’t have a whole lot of driving experience, and I envision us driving off a cliff. Or maybe it’s because I’m just not emotionally ready for this particular rite of passage in my oldest child’s life. Either way, I’ve learned several techniques for disguising my white-knuckling and shallow breathing. We nervous mothers must appear calm and confident. “Mom, would you relax?” Yeah, right. Teens with juvenile diabetes must be especially cautious as drivers, because symptoms of hypoglycemia, which … Continue reading