A Book to Help Kids Cope With Food Allergies

How do you explain food allergies, and how dangerous they can be, to young children? One way for parents to do that is to read a book called “Pixie’s Food for Thought”. The main character is a little girl named Pixie who has food allergies and self-confidence. Being different from all the other kids can be hard. When it comes to food allergies, kids can “blend” into their peers fairly well – until lunchtime. Situations that involve food, like lunchtime, birthday parties, and school celebrations, quickly reveal that kids with food allergies are different, even though you can’t tell it … Continue reading

Special Needs Podcast Roundup – Week of August 16, 2011

Get ready for a brand new batch of podcast episodes about topics that parents of children with special needs can relate to! The Special Needs Podcast Roundup brings you the newest episodes of really interesting podcasts each and every week. Special Kid School Talk released an episode on August 12, 2011, called “Sensory Processing Disorder and Anxiety”. Host Dr. Kari is joined by guest Jackie Linder Olson. They talk about how the information that a child learns from his or her senses can be misunderstood by the child’s body. Parents of children with sensory processing disorder can learn tips about … Continue reading

Kyle Dine Makes Music About Allergies

Does your child have allergies? Musician Kyle Dine does, too. He has created music that describes the experiences and every day life situations of children who have severe allergies. His music puts things into a much more positive light, and emphasizes working on being safe. Listening to it could help increase the self esteem of your allergic child. It isn’t any fun at all to be a child who has allergies. There are foods you cannot eat, animals you cannot play with, and things you cannot touch without experiencing an allergic reaction. These are the same things that all of … Continue reading

One Out of Every Twelve Kids Has a Food Allergy

Does your child have a food allergy? Then he or she is not alone! A study has found that one out of every twelve children very likely has an allergy to at least one food. This is a higher amount than was previously recognized. An online survey that was lead by Dr. Ruchi Gupta, from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago finds that food allergies in children are much more common than people realized. In the past, it was estimated that in the United States there were somewhere between 2 and 8 children, out of every 100, … Continue reading

Food Allergies Can Affect Self Esteem

Your child’s food allergies may be causing him or her to have low self esteem. Children want to fit in with their peers, and be as similar as possible to them. Having a severe food allergy means that your child is “different”, and this will be noticed by his or her classmates. Fortunately, there are things that a parent can do that will help their allergic child to regain his or her self esteem. Children, especially older children (like middle schoolers and high school students) want to fit in. No one wants to be that strange kid who can’t eat … Continue reading