Interview with Danyelle Ferguson – Diagnosing Autism

Today I’m joined by Danyelle Ferguson, author of the new resource book, (dis)Abilities and the Gospel, for parents and teachers who have students with a variety of cognitive disorders. I asked Danyelle to share some information with us today. The things she shares will be incredibly useful for both homeschool and public school parents. Danyelle, when did you first realize your son should be tested for autism – how old was he, what were the tell-tale signs, etc.? Actually, we thought our son just had speech delay. Looking back now, we had a rather typical experience. From birth, our son … Continue reading

An EEG Can Reveal Signs of Autism in Infants

Right now, it is difficult to note the signs of autism in children who are younger than the age of three. Doctors at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School are using an EEG in order to look for the signs of autism in the brain waves of infants. This could, potentially, lead to earlier treatment than is currently possible. You have probably heard of the technology called an EEG. This stands for electroencephalography. It records the tiny electrical impulses that are produced by activity in the brain. Doctors can then take a look at the wave patterns that are … Continue reading

Government Study Shows Increase In Developmental Disabilities

A government report shows that the number of children in the United States who have developmental disabilities has been increasing over the past few years. There has not been a specific reason identified that explains this growing number. The implication is that parents really need to get involved with early identification and screening of their children for developmental disabilities. Studies were based on data that was gathered as a part of some ongoing national surveys. Researches focused on children who were age seventeen or younger. They looked for signs that the children had one, or more, of a range of … Continue reading

Five Minute Screen Can Detect Signs of Autism

A brand new checklist that takes five minutes to go though can be used by parents to help doctors screen their infants for signs of autism. This five minute screen can be used on children who are as young as one year of age. This new tool gets it right about 75% of the time. In order to test out this new diagnostic tool, 137 pediatricians from San Diego County, California, were asked to participate, and use it. The doctors used the checklist as part of the 12 month well baby checkups that all babies are recommended to have. The … Continue reading