Ten Ways to Help Your Child with Bipolar Disorder Succeed in School

Researchers are coming to the conclusion that a large number of children in the United States who were thought to have ADHD actually have early onset bipolar disorder. ADHD and early onset bipolar disorder are “look alikes” and can be misdiagnosed. There are many other ADHD look-alikes, which I will address in a future blog. The child with bipolar disorder can have difficulties in the public school system, for obvious reasons. Their mood swings, manic behaviors and depression can create obstacles to learning. A child with bipolar disorder should be in frequent contact with a caring child psychiatrist who can … Continue reading

“I Wish I Were Never Born.” Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Children

Like many childhood mental disorders, bipolar can be extremely difficult to properly diagnose. This is because bipolar disorder, which is sometimes called mania or manic depression, can mimic the symptoms of other disorders. Bipolar disorder may present with symptoms similar to conduct disorder or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Also, childhood bipolar disorder can manifest itself very differently from the symptoms we typically see in adults with the condition. In order for the diagnosis of bipolar disorder to be made, the symptoms must be causing the child serious problems at home and school. The child with bipolar disorder will have difficultly … Continue reading

Differentiating ADHD from Bipolar in Children

There are many similarities between these two disorders. I’d like to address their differences to give a better perspective between the two (generally speaking): • A child with ADHD is more likely to stumble accidentally into a fight, as opposed to a child with bipolar who may pick the fight, enjoying the feeling of control and feeling invincible. • Children with bipolar are more likely to exhibit danger-seeking behavior and hyperawareness of sexuality even at a very young age persisting into older years, where as a child with ADHD may not. • Continuous effects of bipolar without treatment can worsen, … Continue reading

Hope with Ritalin

I was told early on that my son showed signs of ADD. Being one of those people who feel ADD is over diagnosed, I had a mental laundry list of all the other things that could be attributing to my son’s behavior. My son is a 5 year old high energy little boy. He is not what I consider to be hyperactive. Due to prenatal drug exposure and family medical history, there could be any number of neurological issues contributing to his behaviors. We have looked at Sensory Integration Dysfunction (DSI) because he appeared to be seeking sensory input by … Continue reading

The Kids through State Adoptions

Contrary to the stories, concerns and fears you might have read about online, most of the kids adopted through the state that I personally know about are genuinely well adjusted and happy. Many potential adoptive parents become scared off after reading an adoption forum site or watching television. Before becoming resistant to state adoption, there are a few things I’d like you to know: 1. Adoption forum sites typically have posts by parents seeking support and information rather than raving about their wonderful and beautiful children. In other words, people with happy and normal lives don’t always sit and talk … Continue reading

This Is Not What I Signed Up For

If you have read the short story by Emily Perl Kingsley called Welcome to Holland, you might have a peek into the feelings of a person who has learned their child has special needs. I distinctly remember telling our adoption case worker that we didn’t want a child placed that was hyperactive or violent. When we finally got our son, he was only over a year old and we weren’t able to determine what kinds of special needs would arise. I learned early on he had a temper problem. He would get very angry with his toys when they wouldn’t … Continue reading

Please Pray For My Son

This might be an unusual blog, but it’s a desperate plea from a mom who doesn’t know what else to do. I need prayer for my son right now. Whatever you might be doing, I humbly ask you to pray. My son is 5 years old. He was adopted. He has anxiety issues, explosiveness, and impulse control issues. Last year we dealt with a cycling of out of control behaviors. We got him into see his pediatrician, a psychologist and a psychiatrist. Childhood bipolar has thus far been ruled out. ADD has not. My son shows signs of fetal drug … Continue reading