Characters With Special Needs On Television

Recently, there have been several television shows that include a character who has special needs. Many of these characters are young adults, or teenagers, who are part of an ensemble cast of main characters. Others appear now and again, on a few episodes in a series. This is a big improvement from the “very special episodes” that would sometimes focus on a person with special needs, who would disappear from the series after that episode ended. Glee is an extremely popular television show about a group of teenagers who are in the Glee Club of their high school. These students … Continue reading

Television and Your Baby

In the last couple of decades, there is a growing movement of parents pulling their children away from the television. They are associating television watching with developmental and social problems your infant or toddler may develop later in life. So if you’re like most other parents, you may be really worried about whether there is too much television in your toddler’s life and whether or not there is too much influence on you. I’m not going to go into the statistics or the social issues associated with television and your older children, you may want to check out the parenting … Continue reading

Did You See Where Juan Epstein Died?

Growing up, I loved the show “Welcome Back Kotter.” But, I did not have a whole lot in common with the characters on that show. They were from the north (Brooklyn, New York) while I was from the south (Memphis, Tennessee). They were older (high school age) while I was younger (middle school age). But, apparently there’s something about trying to drive your teacher crazy that resonates through any differences I had with the Sweathogs. In actuality, all the Sweathogs, just like “Happy Days” high schoolers, were past high school age when they appeared on the show. The show ran … Continue reading

Once Upon A Time

What happened after the happy ending? On Sunday night fairy tales and the real world collided. Or at least they did on television channel ABC, which debuted its newest show “Once Upon A Time.” The Disney-owned network showed its membership in the House of Mouse for the first time in its original programming, creating a new series that stars the likes of Snow White, the Evil Queen, and Jiminy Cricket. I don’t usually cover shows on ABC, despite its ownership by Disney, because most of them don’t really relate to the Mouse Company at all. But “Once Upon A Time” … Continue reading

Disney at E3 and Other Video Games Update

A Kinect demo booth at this year’s E3 The E3 Video Game exhibition might be over now, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop talking about all we learned about upcoming video games. Put E3 up there for me with other conventions, like Comic Con and the D23 Expo, that I’d love to attend one day. Disney didn’t dominate E3, as the company isn’t really known for putting out much more than thrown-together movie tie-in games. Titles like “Epic Mickey” and “Kingdom Hearts” are the exceptions to the rule, though the latter doesn’t quite count because it was a … Continue reading

Actress Lauren Potter Speaks Out Against Bullying

One way to bring attention to a cause is to have a celebrity act as a spokesperson for that cause. This is especially true if the celebrity has a personal connection to the cause. Actress Lauren Potter is the spokesperson for the “Disable Bullying” campaign that AbilityPath is trying to bring awareness to. Lauren Potter is on the incredibly popular television show “Glee”. She plays Becky Jackson, a character who tried out to be on the Cheerio’s squad, and was selected by the often mean and nasty Coach Sue, (played by Actress Jane Lynch). If I remember that episode correctly, … Continue reading

Setting Boundaries Around Christmas and Birthday Giving

Everywhere I turn, people are asking me what my daughter and I want for Christmas. Since the only thing I usually want is plants for my garden, it’s hard to make a real stunner of a Christmas list. Maybe gift cards for plants? My daughter also has just about everything she needs. I tend to buy her the basics at thrift stores. She has enough clothes and unless she’s going through a growth spurt, there are usually some that still fit well. Other than that, her toys are rather static: lego, playmobil, a play kitchen, dress ups, dolls, and a … Continue reading

Toddlers and Cheerleading

A few nights ago I was on my way to an event dinner with my moms’ group and I was listening to a radio program. I don’t remember who the host was who was filling in for the regular host, but she was talking about how much she cannot stand cheerleading. I couldn’t take my ears off the program. I enjoy watching cheerleading. I love Bring It On for the cheering. Every fall since the show started we watch Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. It is a lot of fun to watch what it takes to become one of … Continue reading

Mister Rogers’ Legacy Lives On

They didn’t show up in cardigans, but the people who gathered to help carry on Fred Rogers’ legacy Sunday kept the TV star’s memory close to their hearts. Two days ago three college students learned that they had been chosen as the latest recipients of the Fred Rogers Memorial Scholarship. The 4-year-old scholarship program named for the popular children’s TV host awards students $10,000 each to help them fund media projects and studies that focus on such issues as children’s literacy and health. Rogers’ 80-year-old wife Joanne said of the annual awards, “Fred would have been just ecstatic. He loved … Continue reading

Do You or Your Spouse Lose Your Temper Easily? Try Role-playing

The question is a fair one and sadly, I can say that once upon a time – I did lose my temper easily. It could make conversations and arguments with my husband pretty intense. But there’s a trick to coping with a sudden flare of temper, especially when you’re married. Too often, we let resentment build up inside us and when we do finally fill that cup to the brim, we bubble over with temper that is really not directed at the unfortunate person who is receiving the anger – but rather at all the little incidences that have lead … Continue reading