12 Signs That Your Child Is Trying to Tell You Something

Children who are non-verbal or have language difficulties exhibit many behaviors in an effort to try to communicate. Sometimes these attempts to “tell you something” can be misunderstood. It might seem like your son or daughter is just being evasive, annoying, or naughty. But it’s important to recognize that children who have difficulty with speech struggle with a whole lot of frustration. When my son Kyle was a preschooler, his tantrums were incredibly severe because he could not adequately communicate his desires. I’m sure he sometimes felt like a tourist in a foreign country, getting a whole lot of blank … Continue reading

The Frugal Toddler

We live in a time when there are entire stores devoted to developmental toys for our toddlers. You can easily spend several hundred dollars on picking up books, videos, developmental toys and interactive games that are produced for children. What kind of parents are we if we do not provide our babies with absolutely everything that has been developed to promote our toddler’s well being? Let’s be honest, though – spending all that money may be great, but you can provide your toddler with a number of developmental tools right there in your own home. Looking to stimulate your toddler’s … Continue reading

Interactive vs. Interaction: A Paradigm Shift

I recently read research that indicated that there are significant delays both in language and motor skills in twins. It doesn’t stop there; the same is supposedly true for siblings who are close together in age. Siblings who are close in age (including twins), are on average, six to eight months behind their singleton counterparts. According to the research, my children are doomed: all two years apart, except of course for the twins who are only minutes apart. They are by birth order destined to be behind those kids whose parents had the insight to only have one or two … Continue reading