Autism and the MMR Vaccine

When your child is diagnosed with a health condition or a disability, many parents look for someone or something to blame. In my case, it was myself. I knew it wasn’t logical, but my daughter did inherit her mutated cystic fibrosis genes from me and my husband. For other parents, the blame can easily land on an incidence, a doctor, or in some cases a vaccine. Thanks to an article written by Andrew Wakefield and colleagues in 1998, the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine was blamed for autism. Parents of children with autism then had something to blame, but also … Continue reading

Safer Cleaning Products

Cleaning our home safely and with no toxins has become a project of mine. We want to kill the germs and bacteria in order to keep Maggie healthy, but we don’t want the chemicals getting into her lungs and causing her any breathing trouble either. So after her diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, I went on a mission to remove the chemicals and keep the clean. I have to say that my favorite products are by Seventh Generation; however, there are other great companies that offer the cleaning power of regular products without the harshness. In addition, I use hydrogen peroxide … Continue reading

Keeping the Germs Away

When your child has an autoimmune deficiency or a chronic illness such as cystic fibrosis, exposure to germs is a scary and often dangerous event. Many parents argue that germs lead to the building of a child’s immunities. True. However, for some children, the common cold can turn into a hospital visit and will mean missing school and activities. It could also mean permanent damage that is irreversible and detrimental to a child’s long-term health and life-expectancy. While you can’t control the outside world, if your child has a condition that turns tiny germs into giant, overpowering menaces, here are … Continue reading

Can Cleaning Cause Chronic Conditions and Autism?

I have always felt like most cleaning products are harsh. My mother would always open windows when cleaning to make sure not to breathe in so many chemicals. When I was pregnant with my daughter, Maggie, I worried about items in her nursery off gassing and was careful to use products such as no-VOC paint. However, after she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, I became even more careful of what products I bring into our home. There are so many cleaners out there promising to kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria. This is great, but what if the ingredients in … Continue reading