Blogging From the Personal Side of Parenting

The internet has a wealth of information about a vast variety of special needs. It is fairly easy to look up medical information or news articles regarding a special need. Sometimes, it can be comforting to read a blog written by a parent about the personal side of parenting a child who has a special need. Here are a few interesting ones to explore. Parents can get online and quickly look up symptoms, recommended diets, help with IEPs, and news about health insurance coverage for their child’s special needs. What about if all you want is some conformation that your … Continue reading

Who is My Audience (Part II): Reflecting on the Blogging Population

Okay, I actually started writing this post, “Part II,” a few weeks ago! But I am finally finished with it now! As I was writing my post about volunteering at my daughter’s school, I was thinking about who was here reading these posts. It seems pretty clear that the majority of people reading my posts are women, since they make up the majority of the regular contributors to this site, either as bloggers or forum thread posters. I was thinking about the fact that dads were not present, and how most dads still have fairly traditional roles: they work at … Continue reading

What’s it Like to Parent a Child who has Special Needs?

All children are unique. This means that your parenting experience will have some aspects that are different from what other parents may be doing. Sometimes, people will ask a mom or dad who has a child with special needs what it is like to parent their child. There isn’t a “one size fits all” answer to this question. Here’s a quick roundup of the answers given by some parents. NR Today has a post titled “Jemelene Wilson: Raising a child with special needs”. She is the mother of two children. One of her daughters is grown, and married. Her youngest … Continue reading

New Medicines, Transgenic Cows, and an Ice Cream Truck

This week, the Special Needs Blog had a wide range of topics appear. There’s a blog about hypoallergenic milk, a music program donation, a couple of new medications for specific special needs, and even a blog about a fantastic Halloween costume! This Week in Review blog will catch you up on whatever you missed. Transgenic Cow Makes Hypoallergenic Milk Scientists have created a genetically altered cow hat produces milk that is hypoallergenic (in some ways, but not in others). Could this mean that, someday, we will have this type of milk on store shelves for people who have allergies to … Continue reading

The Great Stroller Debate—-Preschool Edition

A couple of years ago I lamented about toddlers and strollers. Traveling with my then fickle 2-year-old was a challenge because I was constantly debating whether or not I should bring the stroller with us. It was always a toss-up as to whether she would ride in it or spend the day running circles around it. I thought about that blog the other day when I read a post by another blogging mom railing on Gwyneth Paltrow. Said blogging mom wrote an open letter to Paltrow chastising her for allowing her 4-year-old daughter Apple to ride in a stroller while … Continue reading

Is it Time to Start Planning for Summer?

It is freezing outside and it has been for over a week. My kids are going crazy and I am suffering from a severe case of cabin fever myself. My tables are covered with paint, play dough, googly eyes, toilet paper rolls, beads and other odds and ends I’ve thrown in front of my kids to keep them from destroying my home. All day, I kept thinking, “I wish it was summertime”. I have fond memories of last summer when we played outside most of the morning. My kids were completely worn out by noon (and so was I) so … Continue reading

One Gave Me Roots, The Other Wings

Hi there! I’m Nicole Humphrey. You probably recognize me from the scrapbooking or frugal living blogs, but I have just accepted the position of blogger on the adoption blog as well. I am very excited about it. I will still be very active over at the scrapbooking and frugal living blogs, I just added another topic near and dear to my heart. I have really enjoyed being a part of this ever growing community at over the past several months and look forward to forming even more new friendships in the days to come. As I am sure you … Continue reading