How to Make Halloween Easier for Kids With Autism

Halloween is a holiday that might be difficult for children who have an autism spectrum disorder to cope with. Things get decorated in unexpected ways. Social skills can falter when a person is wearing a costume. Here are some tips to make Halloween easier for kids who have autism. Start preparing your child now! If your child is in a Special Education classroom, there is a good possibility that his or her teacher has been slowly getting the students used to the idea that Halloween is coming, and has been discussing some of the changes that will happen. Awesome teachers … Continue reading

New Medicines, Transgenic Cows, and an Ice Cream Truck

This week, the Special Needs Blog had a wide range of topics appear. There’s a blog about hypoallergenic milk, a music program donation, a couple of new medications for specific special needs, and even a blog about a fantastic Halloween costume! This Week in Review blog will catch you up on whatever you missed. Transgenic Cow Makes Hypoallergenic Milk Scientists have created a genetically altered cow hat produces milk that is hypoallergenic (in some ways, but not in others). Could this mean that, someday, we will have this type of milk on store shelves for people who have allergies to … Continue reading

Be An Ice Cream Truck on Halloween

Making the rounds on the internet today is a story about an incredible Halloween costume that a father made for his son, who uses a wheelchair. This is a wonderful example of one of the many ways that the special needs that a child happens to have can be incorporated into a really fun Halloween costume. There is a lot of decision making that goes into a Halloween costume. Children who have certain kinds of special needs might have difficulty with the sensory aspects of wearing a costume. Kids with an autism spectrum disorder might struggle with seeing their friends … Continue reading

Parents Versus the Ice Cream Man

He’s the Pied Piper of preteens, toddlers and just about every other youngster with a sweet tooth, but the ice cream man is getting an unusually chilly reception from parents in New York City. Some moms and dads in the Big Apple are waging a war against guys who hock frozen treats from the back of their freezers on wheels. According to reports, parents are irate that the city has allowed ice cream truck owners the right to park next to their children’s schools, favorite parks and other kid-packed neighborhood attractions. As one mom puts it: “They’ve got a trapped … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes: X is for X-shaped Chocolate Cookies

Yeah, I know, it’s not very autumnal. But you try coming up with foods that begin with the letter X and then combine them to create an edible creation. There was xanthareel, a yellow eel used in medicinal foods, and xanthan gum, which is produced from the fermentation of corn sugar (it’s commonly used as a thickener in foods such as yogurt, sour cream and salad dressings), but neither struck me as the basis for family-friendly recipes. So, I got a bit creative and went for another interpretation: X-shaped treats. The following recipe for playful chocolate cookies molded in the … Continue reading