Special Needs Blog Week in Review – Week of February 19 – 25, 2012

Did you miss something on the Special Needs Blog this week? One way to easily find the blogs that you missed out on, but meant to read, is to check out the Special Needs Blog Week in Review. You can find everything that hit the blog in the past week. Just click on the link the whatever blogs catch your attention. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on February 20, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out the Hope Saves the Day podcast. They discuss a brand new book that is designed to help parents to raise children … Continue reading

A Few More Studies About the Causes of Autism

It seems to me that there is a constant stream of news articles regarding studies that have found the cause of autism. I’ve heard so many different ideas about the cause of autism that I am having trouble figuring out which one is correct. This week, there are two more studies that may, or may not, have found the cause of autism. Right now, it seems that the only thing that is known for certain is that immunizations do not cause autism. There have been a plethora of other studies that pin the cause of autism on a wide variety … Continue reading

Could Childhood Mental Disorders Be Triggered by Strep?

In the mid 1990’s, doctors began noticing that some children who had strep ended up showing symptoms of sudden onset mental illness after recovering from the strep infection. This has led some doctors to wonder if antibiotics could help alleviate those disorders. It is an interesting concept. The strange situation happens something like this. A child, who has no signs or symptoms of any form of mental illness, catches a strep infection. He or she gets a case of strep throat, goes to the doctor, and is treated. The child misses a few days of school, but makes a full … Continue reading

Can’t Stop Staring At the Screen

One of the signs that a child might have ADHD is that the child has extreme difficulties with concentration. This doesn’t mean that he or she is never able to focus on anything, ever, though. Kids who have ADHD often find it easy to focus on information that is on a television or computer screen. It may sound contradictory, but there are some good reasons why this happens. Children who have ADHD often find it difficult to concentrate when they are in a school environment. This is one of the first signs of ADHD that a teacher will pick up … Continue reading

To Vaccinate, Or Not to Vaccinate? – That Is the Question

There are a few schools of thought when it comes to vaccines. On the one hand, there are doctors who advise parents to get their children vaccinated against several deadly diseases when the child reaches a certain age. On the other hand, you have an anti-vaccine movement advising parents against getting their child vaccinated. This leaves parents stuck somewhere in the middle with a lot of questions. There has been a lot of controversy over the MMR vaccine. This is the vaccination that doctors suggest that all children have, as a way to protect the child from catching measles, mumps, … Continue reading